For crisp, golden fries, use starchy baking potatoes and fry in two stages. The first frying can be done in advance, but the second frying should be done just before serving. Please read Deep-Frying.
Place in a bowl and soak in cold water to cover for 30 minutes:
4 large baking potatoes, peeled and sliced into 2 1/4 x 3/8-inch strips
Drain and dry very well, because excess water will spatter in the fat.
Pour into a deep fryer or deep, heavy pot and heat to 330┬░F:
Peanut oil or other vegetable oil (3 inches deep)
Drop in the potatoes about 1 cup at a time and fry until the spattering ceases, about 2 minutes. Skim out the potatoes with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. They will be rather pale and limp and easy to crush with your fingertips. Let cool for at least 5 minutes before starting the second frying.
For the second frying, heat the oil to 365┬░F. Fry the potatoes in small batches in a frying basket, if you have one, to ensure quick and easy removal. Fry until the potatoes are golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes, then remove the basket, shake off the excess oil, and turn the fries onto paper towels. Serve them at once, piled on a plate or in a basket lined with a napkin. Do not cover them or they will turn limp.